Huffer joins Hall of Fame, gets a treat at home

Updated: June 1, 2015

Crooked River’s longtime head professional Pat Huffer was honored this year when he was elected to the PGA Northwest Section’s Hall of Fame. When he got home to Central Oregon after the induction, there were plenty of folks in the area that let him know how they felt.

The folks had a banner made up and displayed it proudly when Huffer made the drive home. The banner welcomed people to Crooked River Ranch – home of PGA professional Pat Huffer, the 51st member to be inducted into the Hall of Fame.

“I was absolutely blown away because there had been no indication to me it was forthcoming…no warning of any kind,” said Huffer. “I kept getting pats on the back, way to go’s, etc but didn’t realize it was because people had seen the banner. I just assumed it was because they knew I had been up at the ceremony. It was all very amazing. “

Head superintendent Richard Jensen also was given kudos for being named the 2014 Oregon Golf Course Superintendent of the Year and was part of the banner we well.

“Our Ranch President, George Mitchener, made the trip to Seattle and presented me a letter on behalf of the Ranch during the ceremony as well,” said Huffer.