Golf Robot gives you the feel of a perfect swing every time you take the club back

Updated: May 7, 2014

Who hasn’t tried to discover the perfect golf swing? There might be a perfect golf swing out there, but possibly only for the guys who play golf for a living.

But now, there’s hope for everyone to find a perfect golf swing. RoboGolfPro is the first and only golf swing training robot that is designed to give you the feel of the perfect swing every time.

Jeff Shaw, who has played for a living and has taught golf for over 25 years, from beginners to Tour players, is the PGA director of instruction at TourBound Golf Academy Seattle. He has the only RoboGolfPro in the Pacific Northwest, one of four in the country. When he first saw RoboGolfPro up close and personal he took 28 swings and was sold. “It’s unlike anything I’ve ever seen or felt” said Shaw, who has set up his Robot at RedBird Sports in Seattle.
In a students initial two-hour lesson, Shaw will video the students swing and identify the changes that need to be made. He then programs those changes into the computer. The student grips the club, and RoboGolfPro does the swinging for you. It literally “makes” you swing the way Shaw wants you to.

“This is something that can help everyone – even PGA Tour Pros,” said Shaw. One of the first people Shaw had on RoboGolfPro was P.H. a 9-handicapper from Seattle who had slice problems. After a couple of sessions with the Golf Robot, P.H. won a tournament and the sliced shots were a thing of the past. P.H. now hits the ball with a draw and has picked up yardage, especially with the driver.

“The more swings you make on RoboGolfPro the faster change will take place. On RoboGolfPro you practice “perfect” muscle memory as you watch yourself on a monitor. You can learn to swing the way you’ve always wanted to swing.” You will save time, accelerate your learning and achieve your goals faster on RoboGolfPro.

It’s not cheap: 1st Lesson/ Evaluation – 2 hrs for $500, Full Day Program – $3000

Includes TourBound Robot & Video Analysis & Mental Game Evaluation*

For more information go to, or email Shaw at To schedule a lesson with Shaw go to