Glendoveer will host a junior caddy program for the 2019 season

Updated: July 3, 2019

It all started a couple of years ago when PGA Professional Quincy Heard was looking for activities for kids for a summer intern program. Since then, Heard has taken his junior caddy program and turned it into a successful venture at Portland’s Glendoveer Golf Course.

It began with a pair of 18-year-old caddies two years ago and now, the Summit Golf Foundation Caddie Program at Glendoveer has nearly 30 juniors looking for loops during the summer months. Heard has been pleased with the results from the program so far.

“We have kids who knew nothing about golf – and now they are caddying and playing golf,” said Heard. “This is what the program is all about.”

The kids are all trained on the golf course before they are sent to the first tee at Glendoveer for their first caddy job. They watch videos and spend hours working with Heard on understanding the game. They then spend nine holes caddying for Heard to make sure they have a grasp of the caddying.

So far, so good.

“We had a young lady from the Ukraine last year and didn’t know anything about golf,” said Heard. “She went through a round with me and we got her into the program. She went on a round with some golfers and came back having made $50. She said he was able to help everyone in the group. She might want to be a professional caddy now.”

The caddies come complete with bibs and the program also provides caddies access to the Evans Foundation Scholarship program which grants 900 college students scholarships.

There is no cost for the caddies at Glendoveer, although tips are always nice.