Highlands Golf Course set for Washington Par-3 Championship

Updated: May 3, 2022

Jack Connelly was very clear upon becoming the new owner of Highlands Golf Course in Tacoma. He wanted his new complex to be known as the home of a Washington State Par-3 championship. On September 9 & 10 that wish may well come true …. when the course plays host to the Washington Par-3 Championship.

How it has come about is a story in itself. In recent years Highlands was a course which gained approval under its former owners to host that state tournament and the course was praised for its playability. The word spread because some of the participants were from out of state, like Hawaii, North Dakota, California and Montana.

The majority of those players had much positive to offer and another championship was scheduled, and maybe another or more.  Some of its history was lost there and still remains a mystery but COVID-19 put a stop to it all and COVID-19 didn’t let it happen for a 2nd year. Jack thinks a “third time is a charm” and the course has never been better prepared.

With all the recent hours spent in maintaining a championship course, the raves have been far reaching and rewarding. It looks like September 9-10 will be the time for the event and details are being finalized soon. Entry forms should be available in June. How does Highlands merit having such a positive image as to attract such a tournament?

Golf Advisors, a company which measures businesses, already has been impressed with what has happened there. A 4-star rating from their 102 reviews has placed the Tacoma nine 7th in the state among all pubic golf courses (the only par 3 to be so recommended in the Advisors top 10) and a follow-up to that comes from nationally-recognized Yelp Advertising in San Francisco.

Their rating is a second place runner-up to Chambers Bay among the state’s top public courses. “We hope to bring a real crowd-pleaser to Tacoma”, Connelly states, “and we have even thought that some bleachers might be in order.” So, let your imagination be your guide and save the dates. If you think holes-in-one are exciting … stay tuned … because we think there could be one right after another when all of those fine golfers head our way for the right to be the 2022 Washington State Par 3 Champion.